Liang Yue

PhD Student

ORCID: 0000-0001-6478-7306

Liang received her bachelor’s degree in College of Life Science, Wuhan University (2014-2018), and became one of the early members of the Guomics team in 2017. She has contributed to the establishment of the lab, and worked on method optimization for plasma proteomics during her bachelor’s thesis research (2017-2018). Her main research interest is clinical plasma proteomics.

Publication list
Meng Xu*, Jingwen Deng*, Kaikun Xu*, Tiansheng Zhu*, Ling Han, Wang Dan, Yaoting Sun, Cheng Chang, Xiaomei Zhang, Jiayu Dai, Liang Yue, Qiushi Zhang, Xue Cai, Yi Zhu, Hu Duan, Yuan Liu, Dong Li, Yunping Zhu, Timothy R. D. J. Radstake, Deepak M.W. Balak, Danke Xu*, Tiannan Guo#, Chuanjian Lu# and Xiaobo Yu#. In-depth Serum Proteomics Reveals Biomarkers of Psoriasis Severity and Response to Traditional Chinese Medicine. Online in Theranostics.

Email: yueliang AT